the takuvik

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Département de Biologie /
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045, av. de la Médecine, local 2064
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Phone : +1 418 656 2131 ext. 404880


David Baqué

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Research assistant (CNRS)
Geochemistry & nutrient analysis

Phone : 418-656-2131 poste 407546

Research Interests

Je travaille sur le développement de nouvelles techniques en spectrométrie de masse (ICP-MS, ICP-OES, IRMS) pour identifier, quantifier les contaminants anthropiques à l'échelle nanométrique (métaux, nanoparticules métalliques et plastiques), comprendre leurs interactions avec la matière organique naturelle et leur transport. L'autre partie de mon travail consiste à développer des captateurs in-situ pour la mesure des nutriments (N, P, Si, MOD) et le traçage des masses d'eaux. Mon terrain d'étude se situe en milieu polaire, mer, glace principalement mais aussi pergélisols, thermokarst.


PhD Sciences de la Terre et de l'Environnement
Laboratoire Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET); Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, France
Perturbations anthropiques du réseau hydrographique du bassin de la Garonne, cas des métaux et des nitrates

Master2 Astrophysique, Géophysique, Techniques Spatiales, Physique et Chimie de la Terre et des Planètes
Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, France

Master1 Physique, Physique et Chimie de la Terre et des Planètes
Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, France

DUT Mesures physiques, Techniques Instrumentales
Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, France

Research Experience

Ingénieur d'Étude Hors Classe, Manager Technique Plateforme ICP-OES & ICP-MS commune à l'Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées & Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (2011 - 2022)
Laboratoire d'Écologie Fonctionnelle et Environnement (LEFE)
CNRS / UPS Toulouse III / INPT, Toulouse, France

Ingénieur d'Étude Hors Classe, Manager Technique Plateforme Analyses Bio-géochimiques Générales (2 techniciens, 9 analyseurs) (2008 - 2012)
Laboratoire d'Écologie Fonctionnelle et Environnement (LEFE)
UMR 5245 CNRS / UPS Toulouse III / INPT, Toulouse, France

Ingénieur d'Étude, Coordinateur, Opérateur, Développeur, Technique Terrain et Analyses Bio-géochimie (2006 - 2008)
Laboratoire d'Écologie Fonctionnelle et Environnement (LEFE)
UMR 5245 CNRS / UPS Toulouse III / INPT, Toulouse, France

Ingénieur d'Étude, Manager Technique de la plateforme de préparation des échantillons Naturels pour la mesure du 14C, 3 techniciens, 4 CO2 automates (2001 - 2006)
Laboratoire National de Mesure du Carbone 14 (LMC14) rattaché au Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE),
UMR 8212 CEA / CNRS / UVSQ / IPSL, Giff sur Yvette, France

Chercheur Doctorant sur financement de l'Agence de l'Eau Adour Garonne; “Perturbations anthropiques du réseau hydrographique du bassin de la Garonne, cas des métaux et des nitrates” (1997 - 2006)
Laboratoire des Mécanismes de Transfert en Géologie (actuel GET)
UMR 5563 CNRS / IRD / UPS / CNES, Toulouse, France

Scientific Leadership

Membre Élu (2021 - 2022)
Conseil Scientifique de l'Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées; structure fédérative Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers (CNRS INSU), école interne de l'Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III
Toulouse, France



Le Roux, G., Masson, O., Cloquet, C., Tavella, M., Beguin-leprieur, M., Saunier, O., Baqué, D., Camboulive, T., Berger, J., Aigouy, T., Maube, F., Baron, S., Ayrault, S., & Maxime, L. H. (2023). Lead from Notre-Dame Fire Plume Caught 15 km from Paris. Earth and Space Chemistry, 7, 310-314.


Monchanin, C., De Brito Sanchez, MG., Lecouvreur, L., Boidard, O., Méry, G., Silvestre, J., Le Roux, G., Baqué, D., Elger, A., Barrron, AB., Lihoreau, M., Devaud, JM. (2022). Honey bees cannot sense harmful concentrations of metal pollutants in food. Chemosphere, 297, 1-9.


Monchanin, C., Blanc-Brude, A., Drujont, E., Negahi, MM., Pasquaretta, C., Silvestre, J., Baqué, D., Elger, A., Barron, AB., Devaud, JM., Lihoreau M. (2021b0). La Pollution Au Plomb Affecte Aussi Les Abeilles. L'exposition Chronique Au Plomb Des Abeilles Met En Péril Leurs Capacités d'apprentissage, Dont Dépend Leur Activité de Butinage. Même à de Faibles Doses!. Pour La Science, 524.

Monchanin, C., Blanc-Brude, A., Drujont, E., Negahi, M. M., Pasquaretta, C., Silvestre, J., Baqué, D., Elger, A., Barron, AB., Devaud, JM., Lihoreau, M. (2021). Chronic exposure to trace lead impairs honey bee learning. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 212, 1-9.


Roubeau Dumont, E., Larue, C., Hiram Castillo, M., Grysta, H., Liné, C., Baqué, D., Gross, E. M., Elger, A. (2020). Genotypes of the aquatic plant Myriophyllum spicatum with different growth strategies show contrasting sensitivities to copper contamination. Chemosphere, 245, 1-10.


Mesa-Pérez, M. A., Díaz-Rizo, O., Tavella, M.-J., Baqué, D., Sanchez-Pérez, J. M. (2018). Soil-to-Plant Transfer Factors of Rare Earth Elements in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 27(2), 1-9.

Sow, M. A., Payre-Suc, V., Julien, F., Camara, M., Baque, D., Probst, A., Probst, J. L. (2018). Geochemical composition of fluvial sediments in the Milo River basin (Guinea): is there any impact of artisanal mining and of a big African city, Kankan? Journal of African Earth Sciences, 145, 102-114.

Vijayaraj, V., Line, C., Cadarsi, S., Salvagnac, C., Baqué, D., Elger, A., Larue, C. (2018). Transfer and Ecotoxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems: A Microcosm Study. Environ. Sci. Technol., 52, 12757-12764.


Bour, A., Mouchet, F., Cadarsi, S., Silvestre, J., Baqué, D., Gauthier, L., & Pinelli, E. (2017). CeO2 nanoparticle fate in environmental conditions and toxicity on a freshwater predator species: a microcosm study. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 24, 17081-17089.


El Azzi, D., Probst, J. L., Teisserenc, R., Merlina, G., Baqué, D., Julien, F., Guiresse, M. (2016). Trace Element and Pesticide Dynamics During a Flood Event in the Save Agricultural Watershed: Soil-River Transfer Pathways and Controlling Factors. Water Air Soil Pollut, 227:442. 10.1007/s11270-016-3144-0


Bour, A., Mouchet, F., Cadarsi, S., Silvestre, J., Verneuil, L., Baqué, D., Pinelli, E. (2015). Toxicity of CeO2 nanoparticles on a freshwater experimental trophic chain: A study in environmentally relevant conditions through the use of mesocosms. Nanotoxicology, 5390, 1-11.

Mesa Pérez, M. A., Díaz Rizo, O., Sánchez-Pérez, J.-M., Baqué, D., Tavella, M.-J. (2015). Bioacumulación de metales pesados en arroz cultivado bajo condiciones de contaminación en la subcuenca Mampostón Heavy metal bioaccumulation in rice culture under contamination conditions in Mamposton watershed. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 24, 25-30.


Verneuil, L., Silvestre, J., Mouchet, F., Flahaut, E., Boutonnet, JC., Bourdiol, F., Bortolamiol, T., Baqué, D., Gauthier, L. , Pinelli, E. (2014). Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), natural organic matter and the benthic diatom Nitzschia palea: “a sticky story”, Nanotoxicology, 1-11, 1743-5390.


Shahid, M., Arshad, M., Kaemmerer, M., Pinelli, E., Probst, A., Baqué, D., Pradere P. and Dumat, C. (2012d). Long term field metal extraction by pelargonium: phytoextraction efficiency in relation with plant maturity. International Int. J. Phytorem. 14, 493-505.


Veron, A., Le Roux, G., Poirier, A., Baqué, D. (2011). Origin of copper used in bronze artefacts from middle bronze age burials in Sidon: a synthesis from lead isotope imprints and chemical analyses. Archaelogy & History in the Lebanon issue 34-35: winter/spring 2011/12.pp.


Cottereau, E.M., Arnold, M., Moreau, C., Baqué, D., Bavay, D., Caffy, I., Comby, C., Dumoulin, J-P., Hain, S., Perron, M., Salomon, J., Setti, V. (2007). Artemis, the new 14C AMS at LMC14 in Saclay, France. Radiocarbon, 49, 291-299.


Baqué, D. (2006). The anthropogenic disruption of the hydrographical network of the Garonne river basin: study of heavy metals and nitrates. PhD Thesis, Toulouse University, 476.


Loubet, M., Baqué, D., Priscia, O., Dupré, B. (2003). Metal content in Garonne basin rivers: Evidences for a general non point contamination of anthropogenic origin. Journal de Physique IV, 107, 793-796.


Ladouche, B., Probst, A., Viville, D., Idir, S., Baqué, D., Loubet, M., Probst, J-L., Bariac, T. (2000). Hydrograph separation using isotopic, chemical and hydrological approaches (Strengbach catchment, France). Journal of Hydrology, 242, 255-274.


Baqué, D., Viville, D., Probst, A., Loubet, M. (1998). Major and trace element geochemistry of water flows: application to a storm hydrograph separation. An example from the Strengbach experimental catchment (Vosges, Eastern France). Mineralogical Magazine, 62, 110-111.

Acknowledgments and collaborator in publications

Bakshi, M., Liné, C., Bedolla, D. E., Stein, R. J., Kaegi, R., Sarret, G., Larue, C. (2019). Assessing the impacts of sewage sludge amendment containing nano-TiO2 on tomato plants: A life cycle study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 369, 191-198.

Dumont, E. R., Larue, C., Pujol, B., Lamaze, T. & Elger A. (2019). Environmental variations mediate duckweed (Lemna minor L.) sensitivity to copper exposure through phenotypic plasticity. Science and Pollution, 26, 14106-14115.

V. Hansson, S., Grusson, Y., Chimienti, M., Claustres, A., Jean, S., & Le Roux, G. (2019). Legacy Pb pollution in the contemporary environment and its potential bioavailability in three mountain catchments. Science of the Total Environment, 671, 1227-1236.

Sia Doumbou Tenkiano N. & Eric Chauvet E. (2018). Leaf litter decomposition in Guinean savannah streams, Inland Waters, 8:4, 413-421.

Saria, R., Mouchet, F., Perrault, A., Flahaut, E., Laplanche, C., Boutonnet, J. C., Gauthier, L. (2014). Short term exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes induce oxidative stress and DNA damage in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 107, 22-29.

El Azzi, D., Viers, J., Guiresse, M., Probst, A., Aubert, D., Caparros, J., Charles, F., Guizien, K., Probst, J.-L. (2013). Origin and fate of copper in a small Mediterranean vineyard catchment: New insights from combined chemical extraction and δ65Cu isotopic composition. Science of the Total Environment, 463, 91-101.

Graba, M., Sauvage, S., Moulin, F. Y., Urrea, G., Sabater, S., & Sanchez-Pérez, J. M. (2013). Interaction between local hydrodynamics and algal community in epilithic biofilm. Water Research, 47(7), 2153-2163.

Scientific R&D reports

Probst, A., Le Roux, G., Claustres, A., Julien, F., Payre, V., Tavella, MJ., Baqué, D., Probst, JL. (2014). Physico-chemical characterization of waters and sediments of small lower lake Pyrenees National Park. Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.

Vervier, P.,Sauvage, S., Baqué, D., Pautiez B. (2008). Dynamics of phosphorus between Toulouse and Malause (Tarn confluence): impact of the urban Toulouse area and WWTP Toulouse Ginestous. Veolia-Water.

Baqué, D., Oliva, P., Loubet, M., Dupré, B. (2001). Geochemical study of rivers waters from upper Garonne basin, characterization of natural "geochemical background" and anthropogenic inputs. Water Agency Adour Garonne.

Vervier P., et al. (2000). Functioning wetlands from river valleys anthropised: Develop an action and decision system for integrated and balanced management, case of the Garonne between Toulouse and the Tarn confluence. National Research Program on Wetlands, Ministry of Environment and Research.

Vervier P. et al. (1999). Tracking flow discharges from the city of Toulouse during low flow periods. Water Agency Adour Garonne & Veolia Water.

Baqué, D. (1995). Geochemical approach (trace elements) to study the hydrological functioning of a watershed Vosges. Master 2, Toulouse university.

Oral communications & posters

Le Roux, G., Claustre, A., Gandois, L., Camboulive, T., Durantez, P., Tavella, M.-J., Baqué, D., De Vleeschouwer F., Komac B. and TRAM Team (2020). Atmospheric deposition of trace metals and other contaminants over the Pyrenees. Goldschmidt (poster).

Baqué, D., Frayret, J., Claustre, A., Leroux, G., De Vleeschouwer F. (2017). Le Couplage Vaporisation Electrothermique - Spectromètre d'Emission Atomique pour la mesure à Haute Résolution de Proxy dans les Tourbes. Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation, INSU, IFREMER, Brest (oral plus poster).

De Vleeschouwer, F. & Baqué, D. (2017). Les tourbières, carottes de glace verte, enregistreurs des paléoclimats et des impacts de l'être humain sur la planète. Quai des Savoirs, “Café des Sciences”, Toulouse (oral).

Taleb, A., Probst, J. L., Baqué, D., Belaidi, N., Probst, A. (2016). TAFNA RIVER, ALGERIA: Hydrological and anthropic influences. In ICHMET, p. 2952 (poster).

Oeurng, C., Sauvage, S., Baqué, D., Coynel, A., Maneux, E., Etcheber, H., Sánchez-Pérez, J.-M. (2010). Transport of suspended sediment and organic carbon during storm events in a large agricultural catchment, southwest France. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-0. (poster).

Oeurng, C., Ferrant, S., Baqué, D., Sauvage, S. and Sánchez-Pérez, J.-M. (2009). Dynamics of suspended sediment in surface water of an agricultural watershed by modelling approach, the Save, Southwest France. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-0. (poster).

Loubet, M., Sanchez-Perez, J.M., Baqué, D., Vervier, P. (2002). Geochemical identification of denitrification and nitrification processes within a riparian wetland zone (Monbequi site on the Garonne river, France). EGS XXVII, Geophysical Research Abstracts (poster).

Quilici, H., Crouzel, L., Baqué, D. and Loubet, M. (2001). Pb behaviour in the Garonne river (South west France) through crossing of the Toulouse urban area: evidence for remobilization processes. Eleventh Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference (oral).

Baqué, D., Loubet, M. (2000). Element fluxes in the Garonne river, upstream to downstream of Toulouse urban area. Importance of the anthropogenic contribution and denitrification process. Eighth International Symposium Of Regulated Stream (oral).

Baqué, D., Viville, D., Probst, A., Loubet, M. (1998). Major and trace element geochemistry of water flows: application to a storm hydrograph separation. An example from the Strengbach experimental catchment (Vosges, Eastern France). Goldschmidt Conference (poster).

Pycke, N., Baqué, D., Probst, A., Dupré, B., Loubet, M. (1997). Anthropogenic and lithologic Pb behaviors in an acid atmospheric polluted catchment (the Strengbach case study, Vosges, France). European Union of Géosciences 9 (poster).