the takuvik

contact takuvik

Département de Biologie /
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045, av. de la Médecine, local 2064
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Phone : +1 418 656 2131 ext. 404880


Sophie Crèvecoeur

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PhD Student - Limnology and microbial ecology

Phone : 418-656-2131
Fax : 418-656-2339


-Ph. D. Université Laval (2012-present)
Topic : Bacterial diversity in permafrost thaw lakes (supervisor: Warwick
F. Vincent, cosupervisor: Connie Lovejoy)
-M. Sc. Organisms Biology and Ecology (2009-2011). Université catholique
de Louvain, Belgium
Topic : Abundance, production and bacterial diversity: study in three
lakes of different trophic status
-B. Sc. Biology (2006-2009). Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Research interest

-Microbial ecology of communities
-Impact of climate change on communities

Teaching experience

-Teaching assistant (2012-present). Molecular biology course (professor:
Connie Lovejoy), Université Laval, Québec, Canada

Researh experience

-Research associate (2011). Ecotoxicology (professor: Leah I.Bendell),
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
-Research intern (2011). Limnology (professor: Warwick F. Vincent),
Université Laval, Québec, Canada