the takuvik

contact takuvik

Département de Biologie /
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045, av. de la Médecine, local 2064
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Phone : +1 418 656 2131 ext. 404880


Jordan Grigor

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PhD Student

Phone : 418-656-2131 #7740
Fax : 418-656-2339

A Ph.D. student in Oceanography with hands-on experience of biological research of marine ecosystems, working primarily in the fields of Arctic Marine Ecology and Population Dynamics. I am also highly interested in the potential effects of climatic change on marine habitats and biodiversity.

January 2013: Participant in the YSF Ph.D. student workshop, run by the University of Tromsø during the Arctic Frontiers 2013 conference. Tromsø & Lofoten Islands, Norway, 20-30th January.
2012 – 2016: Ph.D. thesis in Oceanography, Université Laval (supervisor Louis Fortier). “Ecologies and physiologies of chaetognaths in the Arctic”.
2011: M.Sc. thesis in Climate Change: Impacts and Mitigation, Heriot-Watt University (supervisor Hamish Mair) and Norwegian Polar Institute (supervisor Øystein Varpe). “An investigation into strategies of protandrous emergence and arrival in Arctic Calanus copepods”.
2010 – 2011: M.Sc. in Climate Change: Impacts and Mitigation, Heriot-Watt University.
2008 – 2009: B.Sc. studies in Arctic Marine Science: University Centre in Svalbard.
2006 – 2010: B.Sc. in Marine Science with Arctic Studies: Scottish Association for Marine Science. Graduated with Upper Second Class.
2000 – 2006: Secondary school studies at Balerno High School (Scotland). Achieved an SQA Advanced Higher certificate in Biology, and Higher certificates in Biology, Chemistry, French, English and Maths.

June 2014 – August 2014: Scientific supervision of B.Sc. student Joël Fortin-Mongeau. Title: “Potential roles of the prominent oil vacuole in the Arctic arrow worm (Eukrohnia hamata)”.
January 2014 – present: Scientific supervision of B.Sc. students Marianne Caouette and Vicky St-Onge. Title: “Effects of sampling method on the gut contents of arrow worms: comparing nets with sediment traps”.
November 2013: Presentation on Arctic animals and experiments with 6-10 year olds at Stanislas College, Québec as part of an Arctic education week celebrating the stop-over of the Arctic schooner Tara in Québec. Presentation given in French.
October 2012 – August 2013: Scientific supervision of B.Sc. student Ariane Marais. Title: “L’alimentation, l’infection parasitaire et le statut reproducteur du chaetognathe Parasagitta elegans en hiver dans l’archipel du Svalbard.”
May – December 2012: Scientific supervision of B.Sc. student Pierre-Olivier Sauvageau. Title: “Investigation du régime alimentaire du chaetognathe Parasagitta elegans, un prédateur planctonique de l’Arctique Canadien”.

Grigor JJ, Marais AE, Falk-Petersen S, Varpe Ø (2014) Polar night ecologyof a pelagic predator, the chaetognath Parasagitta elegans. Polar Biology. doi 10.1007/s00300-014-1577-8
Grigor JJ, Søreide JES, Varpe Ø (2014) Seasonal ecology and life history strategy of the high-latitude predatory zooplankter Parasagitta elegans. Marine Ecology Progress Series 499:77-88.

Grigor JJ, Marais A, Schmid MS, Fortier L (2013) Seasonal ecologies of chaetognaths (gelatinous zooplankton) in the Canadian Arctic. ArcticNet Annual Science Meeting 2013. Halifax, Canada, 9th-13th December (award-winning poster).
Grigor JJ, Søreide JES, Varpe Ø, Fortier L (2013) Seasonal ecology and life history strategies of the chaetognath Parasagitta elegans in the Canadian and European Arctic: The story so far… Québec Océan Annual General Meeting 2013. Rivière-du-Loup, Canada, 13th-15th November (poster).
Grigor JJ, Søreide JES, Varpe Ø (2013) The annual routine of a predatory Arctic chaetognath in a highly seasonal environment. Arctic Frontiers 2013. Tromsø, Norway, 20th-25th January (talk).
Schmid MA, Aubry C, Grigor JJ, Fortier L (2013) In situ imaging of mezozooplankton in order to assess scale spatiotemporal variability Arctic Frontiers 2013. Tromsø, Norway, 20th-25th January (award-winning poster).
Grigor JJ, Søreide JES, Varpe Ø (2012) The annual routine of a predatory zooplankter in a highly-seasonal Arctic environment. Annual ArcticNet Science Meeting 2012. Vancouver, Canada, 11th-14th December (talk).
Grigor JJ, Søreide JES, Varpe Ø (2012) The annual routine of a predatory zooplankter in a highly-seasonal Arctic environment. Québec Océan 10-yr conference: A reality check on oceans’ health. Montreal, Canada, 7th-9th November (poster).
Grigor JJ, Varpe Ø (2012) Sex-specific zooplankton phenology: protandrous diapause and migration in Calanus spp. ASLO 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting. Salt Lake City, USA, 19th-24th February (poster).
Grigor JJ, Søreide JES, Varpe Ø (2011) A year-round study of Parasagitta elegans in a high-Arctic fjord: vertical distribution, size classes and maturity status. World Conference on Marine Biology 2011. Aberdeen, Scotland, 26th-30th September (talk).