the takuvik

contact takuvik

Département de Biologie /
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045, av. de la Médecine, local 2064
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Phone : +1 418 656 2131 ext. 404880


Josiane Mélançon


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Phd Oceanography (ULaval)

Phone : 418-656-2131
Fax : 418-656-2339

M. Sc. Environmental Health (2002-2004)
Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
B. Sc. Microbiology (1998-2001)
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Past experience:
Internship in epidemiology, contaminated sites, (2004)
Health Canada, Longueuil, Canada

Research intern –- Genetics (2001)
Infectious Diseases Research Center, Québec, Canada
Research Interest:

Biogeochemistry, interactions between the oceans and the atmosphere, ecology of the phytoplankton, iron-limitation, dimethylsulfide, ocean acidification, climate.
Other Interests:

  • Science outreach
  • Teaching
  • Environment protection

Awards :
University finalist “Three minutes thesis”      2013
Laureate of the ACFAS science popularization contest      2011
Best oral presentation, SOLAS oceanography summer school, France    2011
Best oral presentation – Biology department annual symposium, U. Laval             2011
Best poster – Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society         2009

Selected Publications:

MÉLANÇON, Josiane, M. Levasseur, M. Lizotte, M. Scarratt, J.-É. Tremblay, P. Tortell, G.-P. Yang, G.-Y. Shi, H.-W. Gao, D. M. Semeniuk, M. Robert, M. Arychuk, K. Johnson, N. Sutherland, M. Davelaar, N. Nemcek, A. Peña, and W. Richardson. Effects of dust additions on phytoplankton growth and DMS production in high CO2 northeast Pacific HNLC waters, Biogeosciences, submitted.
MÉLANÇON, Josiane, M. Levasseur, M. Lizotte, P. Delmelle, J. Cullen, R. C. Hamme, A. Peña, K. Simpson, M. Scarratt, J.- É. Tremblay, J. Zhou, K. Johnson, N. Sutherland, M. Arychuk, N. Nemcek, and M. Robert. Early response of the northeast subarctic Pacific plankton assemblage to volcanic ash fertilization. Limnol. Oceanogr. 59(1),2014, 55-67.