the takuvik

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Département de Biologie /
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045, av. de la Médecine, local 2064
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Phone : +1 418 656 2131 ext. 404880


Blanche Saint-Béat

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Post-Doctoral Fellow

Phone : 418-656-2131 ext. 403198
Fax : 418-656-2339


Ph. D. in Biological oceanology and marin environment : October 2009-December 2012, UMR 7266 LIENSs CNRS-Université de La Rochelle (France).“Modeling of the biofilm role in the Brouage mudflat food web functioning (Marennes-Oléron Bay): influence on the carbon flows and consequences on the stability” . Supervisor: Nathalie Niquil (CNRS senior scientist, France), co-supervisor: Alain F. Vézina (Regional Director, Fisheries and Oceans, Canada).

Master in Integrated approach of littoral ecosystems : September 2007-June 2009, UMR 7266 LIENSs CNRS-Université de La Rochelle (France).
“What the best function to optimise the Inverse Analysis? Degradation-Reconstruction of the Rømø-Sylt Bight data set.” Supervisor: Nathalie Niquil (CNRS senior scientist, France), Collaborators: Alain F. Vézina ((Regional Director, Fisheries and Oceans Canada), Harald and Raghild Asmus (AWI professors, Germany)

Research Interests :

  • Linear Inverse modelling
  • Numerical models of plankton communities
  • Food webs
  • Network analysis (ENA)
  • Communities properties
  • Ecosystem stability

Publications :

Peer reviewed papers :

Saint-Béat B., Baird D., Asmus H., Asmus R., Bacher C., Pacella S.R., Johnson G. A., David V., Vézina A.F., Niquil N. (2015). Trophic networks: How do theories link ecosystem structure and functioning to stability properties? A review. Ecological Indicator 52:458-471.

Chaalali A., Saint-Béat B., Lassalle G., Le Loc’h F., Tecchio S., Safi G., Savenkoff C., Lobry J., Niquil  N. (2015). A new modeling approach to define marine ecosystems food-web status with uncertainty assessment. Progress in Oceanography 135 : 37-47.

Guesnet V., Lassalle G., Chaalali A., Kearney K , Saint-Béat B., Karimi B.,  Grami B., Tecchio S., Niquil N., Lobry J. (2015). Incorporating food-web parameter uncertainty into Ecopath-derivedecological network indicators. Ecological Modelling 313: 29-40.

Saint-Béat B., Dupuy C., Agogué H., Carpentier A., Chalumeau J., Como S., David V., De Crignis M., Duchêne J-C., Fontaine C.,Feunteun E., Guizien K., Hartmann H., Lavaud J., Lefebvre S., Lefrancois C., Mallet C., Montanié H., Mouget J-L., Orvain F., Ory P., Pascal P-Y., Quaintenne G., Radenac G., Richard P., Vézina A.F., Niquil N. (2014). How does the resuspension of the biofilm alter the functioning of the benthos-pelagos coupled food web of a bare mudflat in Marennes-Oléron Bay (NE Altlantic)? Journal of Sea Research-Special issue: Trophic significance of microbial biofilm in tidal flats, 92: 144-157.

Lassalle G., Bourdaud P., Saint-Béat B., Rochette S., Mialet B., Niquil N. (2014). A toolbox to validate whole-ecosystem models in the scope of defining management options: application to the Bay of Biscay continental shelf food web model. Ecological Modelling 265:13-21.

Saint-Béat B., Dupuy C., Bocher P., Chalumeau J., De Crignis M., Fontaine C., Guizien K., Lavaud J., Lefebvre S., Montanié H., Mouget J-L., Pascal P-Y., Quaintenne G., Radenac G., Richard P., Robin F., Vézina A.F., Niquil N. (2013). Key features of intertidal food webs that support migratory shorebirds. PlosOne 8(10): e76739.

Saint-Béat B., Vézina A.F., Asmus H., Asmus R., Niquil N. (2013). The mean function provides robustness to linear inverse modeling flow estimation in food webs: A comparison of functions derived from statistics and the ecological theories. Ecological Modelling 258: 53-64.

Tortajada S., Niquil N., Blanchet H., Grami B., Montanié H., David V., Glé, C., Saint-Béat B., Johnson G.A., Marquis E., Del Amo Y., Dubois S., Vincent D., Dupuy C., Jude F., Hartmann H.J. & Sautour B. (2012). Network analysis of the planktonic food web during the spring bloom in a semi enclosed lagoon Arcachon, SW France: a highly exporting system with a low resilience. Acta Oecologica 40(6): 40-50.

Grami B., Rasconi S., Niquil N., Jobard M., Saint-Béat B. & Sime-Ngando T. (2011). Functional Effects of Parasites on Food web Properties during the Spring Diatom Bloom in Lake Pavin: A linear Inverse Modeling Analysis. PlosOne6(8): e23273.

Niquil N., Saint-Béat B., Johnson G.A., Soetaert K., van Oevelen D., Bacher C. & Vézina A.F. (2011). Inverse Modeling in Modern Ecology and Application to Coastal Ecosystems. In: Wolanski E and McLusky DS (eds.) Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, Vol 9, pp 115–133. Waltham: Academic Press.