Arctic Metals

"The fate of metal elements
in arctic and sub-arctic areas: ecosystems and northern populations exposure"


Département de Biologie /
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045, av. de la Médecine, local 2078
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6






Task 1 - Coordination of the project

Task 1 (project management) was coordinated by Jean Carignanand later assumed by O. Pokrovsky, assisted by R. Pienitz and J. Sansoulet (Takuvik & Centre d'études nordiques, Université Laval, Québec, Canada). The project steering committee (SC) will be formed by the principal investigators of the project (C. Cloquet CRPG-Nancy, O. Pokrovsky & J. Viers GET-Toulouse, D. Amouroux & M. Bueno IPREM-Pau, F. Jorand LCPME-Nancy, J. Schafer EPOC-Bordeaux); and by international collaborators: I. Laurion (INRSETE, Québec, Canada); E. Dewailly (Axe Santé des Populations et Environnement, Centre de Recherche du CHUQ et Université Laval, Québec, Canada); W. Vincent & R. Pienitz (Takuvik & Centre d'études nordiques, Université Laval, Québec, Canada). All decisions will be taken jointly within the SC.

Task 1 will be dedicated to:
• Organization of international meetings
- Project kick-off international meeting: 2 days international workshop (in a partner laboratory)
with all project partners, associated international collaborators as keynote speakers.
- A workshop in Québec city during the annual meeting of the Centre d'études nordiques and the
opportunity to meet Inuit people and authorities to present preliminary results of the project.
- A final project international meeting in France: organization of a symposium on "metals
biogeochemical cycles in arctic and sub-arctic environments" at the "Réunion Nationale des
Sciences de la Terre".

Coordination of project logistics
Canada and Russia field work is planned for Task 3 (Biogeochemical cycle of metals). Task 1 will
coordinate project logistics and subcontracting for field work (expedition guide, translation,
records) and translations if necessary. This task will have in charge to establish relationships with
other related projects in order to share field expenses, resources, and objectives. For example, the
CEN has many field work programs into which part of our project may be integrated. Task 1 will
also organize the travel for keynote speakers for meetings.

• Monitoring of project progress and reporting
- Tele conferences (email, phone and/or videoconferences) will be organized with a time step of 3
months between project partners.
- Annual project meetings (SC members or representatives) will be organized each fall (October).
- Scientific annual reports will be prepared and sent to ANR.
- Abstracts for conferences and for papers to be submitted will be available to the project members
before submission so that internal feedbacks can be provided.
- Annual report adapted for the diffusion of information for Northern communities and authorities.

Set up training, data base and diffusion of information
Task 1 will establish a project website, participate to the international interactive (meta)data base
(Polar Data catalogue), keep relationships with northern authorities. It will be compulsory for all project participants to provide the data and model analyses results to the project database.

The project website will comprise:
- A description of the "Arctic Metals" project and its general objectives.
- The different Tasks and the related contacts.
- For partners, all project results under the requirement of passwords.
- Public results and the project "news and views".
- Available MSc, PhD and post-doc positions directly related to the project and to other projects in
similar fields.
- Tutorials on selected topics of the project for undergraduate and graduate students.