Arctic Metals

"The fate of metal elements
in arctic and sub-arctic areas: ecosystems and northern populations exposure"


Département de Biologie /
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045, av. de la Médecine, local 2078
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6






Task 2 - Laboratory experiments

Partners in charge: 2a. D. Amouroux (IPREM-Pau, partner 4); 2b. F. Jorand (LCPME-Nancy, partner 5); 2c. C. Cloquet (CRPG-Nancy, partner 2)

Laboratory/field experiments will be done to document kinetics of key reactions of phase transformation of some metals and possible related isotopic fractionation.

The data obtained in task 2 will be delivered to task 1 (project data base). The results obtained will be used to build a conceptual framework for interpreting data obtained from task 3 and 4. All the systems studied are related to metal - organic matter reactions.

Task 2 is divided in 3 sub-task:

  • Task 2a - Reduction & bio-accumulation kinetics and isotopic fractionation of Se (and S) during the formation of DMSe (DMS) by the bacterio-plankton (D. Amouroux; E. Tessier; M. Bueno; M. Levasseur; C. Cloquet). For more information...
  • Task 2b - Evaluation of the mercury methylation by microbial biomass from biofilms and surface sediments of permafrost thaw lakes (EPOC-Bordeaux: Jörg Schäfer, Gérard Blanc, Cécile Bossy, Lionel Dutruch ; LCPME-Nancy: Frédéric Jorand, Hélène Guilloteau, Rémi Guyonneaud).
    For more information...
  • Task 2c - Isotopic fractionation during metal (Ni, Hg, Se) bio-accumulation by plants grown in controlled conditions in the laboratory (C. Cloquet, T. Sterckeman). For more information...