the takuvik

contact takuvik

Département de Biologie /
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045, av. de la Médecine, local 2064
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Phone : +1 418 656 2131 ext. 404880


Alumni and Ex-Profesional

Jean Carignan

Takuvik co-director
Research Engineer (IRHC) / (CNRS)
Isotopic geochemistry

Alexander Culley

Professor (ULaval)
Microbial Virology

Louis Fortier

Professor (ULaval)

Loic Labrousse

Adjunct Professor (UPMC)

Johann Lavaud

Scientist (CNRS)
Ecophysiology of microalgae

Maurice Levasseur

Professor retired (ULaval)
Production of DMS and NO2, Harmful algal blooms

Guillaume Massé

Scientist (CNRS)

Reinhard Pienitz

Professor (ULaval)

Xiaogang Xing

Invited Professor
Application of bio argo floats data in marine bio-optics and biogeochemistry (supervisor M. Babin)

Lynn Belanger

Administrative coordinator (supervisor M. Babin)

Peter Ringuet

Coordinator CNRS (supervisor M. Babin)

Julie Sansoulet

Coordinator (CNRS)
Communication / Humanities

Debbie Christiansen Stowe

Coordinator (ULaval)
(supervisor M. Babin)

Béatrice Saint-Cricq

Partnership and technology transfer (CNRS)

Gustavo Adolfo Guarin

Research assistant
Biodiversity & oceanography (ULaval, supervisor P. Archambault)

Marine Béguin

Research assistant
Phytoplankton ecophysiology (ULaval, supervisor M. Babin)

Emmanuel Devred

Senior research assisant
Remote Sensing (supervisor M. Babin)

Thibaud Dezutter

Research assistant
Oceanography (ULaval, supervisor L. Fortier)

Joannie Ferland

Research assistant
Phytoplankton ecophysiology (supervisor M. Babin)

Gabrielle Fortin

Research Assistant
Coordinator BriGHT project (ULaval, supervisor J.-E. Tremblay)

Gabriel Joyal

Research Assistant
Marine Geomorphology and Seabed mapping (ULaval, supervisor P. Lajeunesse)

José Lagunas-Morales

Research assistant
New observing platforms and electronics (supervisor M. Babin)

Catherine Lalande

Research assistant
Marine biogeochemistry & carbon export (supervisor L. Fortier)

Jade Lariviere

Research assistant
Biology, Ecophysiology of Arctic phytoplankton (supervisor M. Babin)

Martine Lizotte

Research assistant
Nunataryuk coordinator (ULaval, supervisor M. Babin)

Claudie Marec

Experimental oceanography (CNRS, supervisor M. Babin)

Atsushi Matsuoka

Research Associate
Marine Optics (CNRS, supervisor M. Babin)

Jean-Guy Nistad

Research assistant
Marine geomorphology (ULaval, supervisor P. Lajeunesse)

Philippe Norbert

Research assistant
In situ instruments (supervisor M. Babin)

Ana Carina Ayyala Padeiro

Research assistant
Limnology and microbial ecology (ULaval, supervisor W. Vincent)

Marianne Potvin

Research assistant
Microbial biodiversity (ULaval, supervisor C. Lovejoy)

Achim Randelhoff

Research assistant
Physical oceanography (ULaval, supervisor M. Babin)

Eric Rehm

Research assistant
Remote Sensing (ULaval, supervisor M. Babin)

Anabelle Baya

Aquatic biogeochemistry & ecotoxicology (superviseur R.-M. Couture)

David Beauchesne

Oceanography (supervisor P. Archambault)

Caroline Bouchard

Fish and Zooplankton (supervisor L. Fortier)

Jérôme Comte

Microbial diversity and function (supervisor W. Vincent & C. Lovejoy)

Pierre Coupel

Marine Biogeochemistry (supervisor J.-E. Tremblay)

Christiane Dufresne

Bio-physical modelling (supervisor F. Maps)

Karen Filbee-Dexter

Field & modeling studies in oceanography (supervisor P. Archambault)

Alexandre Forest

Artic Oceanography (supervisor M. Babin)

Clémence Goyens

Marine optics (supervisor M. Babin)

Léo Lacour

Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography (CNRS, supervisor M. Babin)

Thomas Lacour

Ecophysiology of phytoplankton (supervisor M. Babin)

Simon Lambert-Girard

Development of novel optical instruments in oceanography (superviseur M. Babin)

Michel Lavoie

DMSP and DMS production (ULaval, supervisor M. Babin)

Marion Lebrun

Sea ice modeling (superviseur M. Babin)

Lisa Matthes

Marine bio-optics & ecophysiology (superviseur M. Babin)

Vani Mohit

Limnology and microbial ecology (supervisor W. Vincent)

Chiaki Motegi

Virus and bacteria biodiversity and metabolism (supervisor C. Lovejoy)

Adam Monier

Bioinformatics (supervisor C. Lovejoy)

Griet Neukermans

Marine optics (supervisor M. Babin)

Anne Ola

Permafrost carbone (superviseur F. Domine)

Laurent Oziel

Phytoplancton variability (supervisor M. Babin)

Thomas Richerol

ArcTrain at UQAR-ISMER

Blanche Saint-Béat

Ecophysiological modelling (ULaval, supervisor M. Babin)

Chaoyu Yang

Physical oceanography (supervisor M. Babin)

Srikanth Ayyala Somayajula

PhD Student
Remote Sensing (supervisor M. Babin)

Robin Bénard

PhD Student
Production of DMS and NO2, Harmful algal blooms (supervisor M. Levasseur)

Deborah Benkort

PhD Student
Bio-physical modeling (supervisor F. Maps)

Philippine Campagne

PhD Student
Microbial Oceanography (supervisor G. Masse)

Valérie Cypihot

PhD Student
Benthic production in the Arctic (supervisor P. Archambault)

Sophie Crevecoeur

PhD Student
Limnology and microbialecology (supervisor W. Vincent & C. Lovejoy)

Elliot Dreujou

PhD Student
Cumulative impacts of anthropogenic stressors on coastal ecosystems (supervisor P. Archambault)

Nastasia Freyria

PhD Student
Oceanography and microbiology (supervisor C.Lovejoy)

Virginie Galindo

PhD Student
Oceanography Phytoplankton ecology (supervisor M. Levasseur)

Maxime Geoffroy

PhD Student
Oceanography (supervisor L. Fortier)

Catherine Girard

Viral and microbial ecology in the Arctic (ULaval, supervisors A. Culley / W. Vincent)

Margaux Gourdal

PhD Student
DMS dynamics and production in-, under-, and above- sea ice in the Arctic (supervisor M. Levasseur)

Gwenaëlle Gremion

PhD Student
Physical and Biological Modeling of the North Water Polynya (Arctic) Ecosystem (supervisor P. Archambault)

Jordan Grigor

PhD Student
Ecophysiology of Chaetognath zooplankton species (supervisor L. Fortier)

Matthieu Huot

PhD Student
Biophotonics (supervisor P. Archambault)

Loïc Jacquemot

PhD Student
Diversity of microbial communities within the Hudson Bay System (supervisor C. Lovejoy)

Nathalie Joli

PhD Student
Metagenomics, genomics and transcriptomics of Arctic phytoplankton (supervisor C. Lovejoy)

Myriam Labbé

PhD Student
Limnology & microbial ecology (supervisor A. Culley)

Georg Lackner

PhD Student
Analysis of Water and Energy Budgets in a Subarctic Experimental (supervisor F. Domine)

Julien Laliberté

PhD Student
Remote sensing and optical properties (supervisor M. Babin)

Juan Li

PhD Student
Modeling ocean colour (supervisor M. Babin)

Mathieu Leblanc

PhD student
Zooplankton (supervisor L. Fortier)

Josiane Melancon

PhD Student
Biogeochemistry (supervisor M. Levasseur)

Alexandre Normandeau

PhD Student
Marine geomorphology (supervisor P. Lajeunesse)

Deo Onda

PhD Student
Taxonomic and functional diversity of chromist flagellates in the Arctic (supervisor C. Lovejoy)

Paschale Noël Bégin

PhD Student
Limnology of a sentinel lake in the Canadian High Arctic (supervisor W.Vincent)

Pascal Paradis

PhD Student
Greenhouse gas detection and monitoring (supervisor R. Vallée, M. Bernier & W.F. Vincent)

Marie Pierrejean

PhD Student
Identification and variability of benthic hotspot ecosystems (supervisor F. Maps)

Anna Przytulska Bartosiewicz

PhD Student
Biology (supervisor W. Vincent)

Sophie Renaut

PhD Student
The variability of Arctic ice edge blooms and implications for the biological pump in a period of declining ice cover (supervisor M. Babin)

Nicolas Schiffrine

PhD Student
Ecophysiology and nitrogen nutrition of key arctic phytoplankton species (supervisor J.-E. Tremblay)

Moritz Schmid

PhD Student
Spatiotemporal variability in zooplankton-primary production coupling (supervisor L. Fortier)

Gauthier Verin

PhD Student
Optical characterization of Arctic sea ice melt ponds by remote sensing (supervisor M. Babin)

Daniel Fillion

MSc Student
Photochemistry & permafrost (supervisor R.-M. Couture & F. Domine)